(PDF) Open-Pit Mine Production Optimization: A …

50% of operating costs in open pit mines (Alarie and Gam ache, 2002) and even in some cases especially in large open pit mines up to 60% of the operation co sts is to be spent on material handling

The mine planning process for an open-pit diamond …

signed off. These inputs are then used to generate pit shells and to select the optimized pit shell, which is then used for detailed pit design and scheduling. Pit optimization is a technique applied on a mineral deposit to estimate the shape and extent of a potential ore reserve. The optimization strategy applied by Gemcom Whittle software is ...

Ultimate Pit Limit Optimization Methods in Open Pit …

The open pit design and scheduling problem is a large-scale optimization problem that has attracted considerable attention during the last 40 years The development of the "know-how" to improve ...

Stochastic global optimization of open pit mining …

Orebody model Number of blocks Life (years) Simulations used during optimization Discount rate Geological risk discount rate Pit slope angle 128 946 33 30 6% 5% 39 Economic parameters Copper price Selling cost (mill) SX/EW cost (leaching) Mining cost* Stockpile rehandling cost Leach cost (sulphides) Leach cost (oxides, transitional, …

Forecasting mining capital cost for open-pit mining projects …

Developed an ANN model for estimating mining capital cost for open-pit mining projects with high accuracy. ... The MCC heavily influences the net present value …

Forecasting mining capital cost for open-pit mining …

Mining capital cost (MCC) is one of the essential criteria for asses-sing the feasibility of an open-pit mine (or underground mine). The MCC heavily influences the net present value (NPV) of the projects over the lifetime of the mine. In open-pit mining, optimization issues in designing and mining planning have been made (e.g. Ahmadi and

Forecasting mining capital cost for open-pit mining projects

Downloadable (with restrictions)! This study considered and developed four artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to estimate mining capital cost (MCC) for open-pit copper mining projects with high accuracy, including artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and classification and regression tree (CART); 74 …

Ecological Costs Internalization in Ultimate Pit Optimization

The tradition way of open pit mine design just takes the operating and capital costs into account while the ecological costs of mining to ecological environment is not a concern at all.


encoding these three fundamental open pit mine optimization problems as maximum satisfiability problems. Maximum satisfiability provides a useful framework for problems that are non-linear and may guarantee the optimality that metaheuristics cannot. are Introduction Open pit mines are large and complicated operations,

Ultimate open pit stochastic optimization

Open pit optimization is done on both pest and psto for a series of different mining costs (0.10, 0.20, 0.30 and 0.40) and treatment costs (0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 1.0, …

How to Deal with Sustaining Capital Costs and Royalties in Open Pit

The author(s) have found that there is no consensus about how to deal with royalties and sustaining capital costs in the process of the open pit mine design. This presentation is an attempt to layout a common path for dealing with these two important items and to open a forum to discuss it in detail.

(PDF) Application of Surpac and Whittle Software in Open Pit

Table 5 Incremental Pit Value Analysis Table 4 Figures Used During the Optimisation Cost per tonne of mining Cost per tonne of processing Price of gold Selling cost Capital cost Discount rate Variable bench cost Mining recovery Mining dilution Overall pit slope angle Revenue factor range $ 5.913 $ 10.622 $32.15/g ($915/oz) $0.88/g ($25/oz) $55 ...

Developing a novel artificial intelligence model to estimate …

This study aims to propose a novel artificial intelligence model for forecasting the capital cost (CC) of open-pit mining projects with high accuracy. It is a unique combination of a deep neural network (DNN) and ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm, abbreviated as ACO-DNN. In this model, MineAP (annual mine production), SR (stripping ratio), MillAP …

Developing a novel artificial intelligence model to estimate …

This study aims to propose a novel artificial intelligence model for forecasting the capital cost (CC) of open-pit mining projects with high accuracy.

Ultimate Pit Limit Optimization Methods in Open Pit …

Abstract Ultimate pit limit optimization plays a major role in the mining industry as it serves as the elementary foundation of all the activities in mine planning. This paper reviews and documents some methods used in ultimate pit limit optimization and gives a clear insight of these algorithms, their functionalities and limitations to open up …

An Application of Simultaneous Stochastic Optimization at a Large Open

The simultaneous stochastic optimization of mining complexes optimizes various components of the related mineral value chain jointly while considering material supply (geological) uncertainty. As a result, the optimization process capitalizes on the synergies between the components of the system while not only quantifying and …

EconPapers: Developing a novel artificial intelligence model …

Keywords: Open-pit optimization-strategies; Mining capital cost optimization; AI in resources policy; Project decision making; ACO-DNN; Deep neural network (search for similar items in EconPapers) Date: 2020 References: View references in EconPapers View complete reference list from CitEc

A wholeness approach to open pit scheduling and optimization

The mining industry reports hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue every year. Most of this value is forecasted ahead of time and reported in the life-of-mine and budget plans. Mine planners evaluate and update several mine plans on a regular basis. Traditionally, long, medium and short-range plans have been prepared in bits and …

Automated Haulage Systems & Open-pit Mining | Mining …

AMC would review the final pit design by developing an updated pit optimization. Changes to key inputs to the pit optimization resulting from the selection of AHS include a reduced hauling cost and potentially, allowances for changes to haul road geometry. Utilizing autonomous trucks could lead to a review of road widths and grades.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Open Pit Optimization Using the …

Three-dimensional block models are the most frequently used tool for estimating mineral resources and reserves within a mineral deposit. In open pit mining, the basis of mine design and the long term mining schedule is calculation of the ultimate pit limit. The ultimate pit limit is the pit with the highest profit value. Over the years, …

Development of an Integrated Model for Open-Pit-Mine …

Because of high capacities, excellent flexibility, and relatively low operating and capital costs, excavators and dump trucks represent the most widely used load-and-haul method in open-pit mines . Considerable attention has been paid to the factors that affect excavator performance, especially during the bucket cycle [22,23].

(PDF) A New Cost Model for Estimation of Open …

In this paper, in order to achieve a reliable cost model, the technical and economic data of 15 open pit porphyry copper mines …

Hybrid Model for Uncertainty Assessment in Open Pit …

production rates, operating capital cost, metallurgical performance and product quality. On the other hand, ... open pit optimization under uncertain market con-ditions.

Optimization of open-pit mine design and production …

Open-pit mining plans include implementing operations throughout the entire life of the mine. In addition to geometric and geotechnical constraints, it is important to ensure an uninterrupted ore feed by optimizing production plan. In order to achieve this and at the same time maximize the net present value, the most well-known method is …

A wholeness approach to open pit scheduling and optimization

The implementation of mine planning software and mine monitoring systems have resulted in significant increases in production and revenue while realizing lower …

A new open-pit mine planning optimization method using …

A new open-pit mine planning optimization method using block aggregation and integer programming @article{Mai2018ANO, title={A new open-pit mine planning optimization method using block aggregation and integer programming}, author={Ngoc Hoang Anh Mai and Erkan Topal and Oktay Erten}, journal={Journal of The South …

Forecasting mining capital cost for open-pit mining projects …

DOI: 10.1016/J.RESOURPOL.2019.101474 Corpus ID: 202311836; Forecasting mining capital cost for open-pit mining projects based on artificial neural network approach @article{Guo2019ForecastingMC, title={Forecasting mining capital cost for open-pit mining projects based on artificial neural network approach}, …