Guide to Farming Bounties Efficiently

Guide to Farming Bounties Efficiently. There are three core activities in Adventure Mode, the gameplay mode where you will spend the majority of your …

Gem Farming

The Vault is a special level that is easily the best place to farm gems, as well as other crafting materials. This area has plenty of Treasure Goblins, along with Gem Hoarders (a Treasure Goblin variant that drops gems). To access The Vault, you will need a Puzzle Ring. This Ring has the same chance to drop from enemies as a typical Legendary ...

Diablo 4 Farming Crafting Materials

Storing Materials in Diablo 4 Crafting and upgrade materials do not take up bag space. You can check on your stocks by opening your character pane, clicking Materials & Stats, and going to the tab with the bag icon. Stock Goods Material Farming in Diablo 4 Bundled Herbs Common Crafting Material Considered foundational to the …


Salvage – used to break down gear into crafting materials, either in bulk or piece-by-piece. In most cases, you will only get a single material item from a salvaged item, and crafted items will produce lower-rarity materials when salvaged. Otherwise, the rarity of the piece typically determines the crafting materials salvaged, as follows:

[GUIDE] A Legendary List of Legendary Crafting Materials

About the Guide: In his "Legendary Crafting Material - Drop Locations and Uses" guide, Angzt provides a litany of crowd-sourced information regarding Legendary …

Farming in Reaper of Souls: Crafting, Legendary Materials, …

I experienced more of the farming/runs play style over the last couple of days, and since it's very different than item farming in Diablo 3, and kind of amusing, here's some more detail. RoS Crafting Requirements. The farming comes in since you need odd materials for crafting set and legendary items in Reaper of Souls.

[GUIDE] A Legendary List of Legendary Crafting Materials

About the Guide: In his "Legendary Crafting Material - Drop Locations and Uses" guide, Angzt provides a litany of crowd-sourced information regarding Legendary crafting materials, including the names of each material, where the material can be found (and from what creatures), the best place to farm for the material, and what item or …

How to farm _________! (Fill in the blank)

And Non-Season doesn't get a free set, so farming is your way to victory! Second, you will need to collect the cube for Zoltan Kule. More information than you need here: Diablo III Diablo III. Diablo III. ... I would recommend picking everything up for the crafting materials, however, that will likely also increase your time up to 10 minutes ...

Crafting Materials

Crafting Materials Crafting Artisans require an array of materials recovered from the wilderness to craft their wares. They can make use of everything from the teeth and hooves of slain beasts to scraps of leather salvaged from discarded armor.,, Showing 1–16 of ... Diablo III; Game Guide; Items; Other; Crafting;

How to Farm Mythic Uniques (Season 5)

Introduction. Mythic Uniques are the rarest and most powerful items in Diablo 4. They have unique effects that can drastically change your build and gameplay. However, Mythic Uniques are extremely hard to find and only have around a 2% chance to drop from farming endgame or certain bosses.Two of these bosses are Uber Duriel, …

Crafting with Kanai's Cube

50 Reusable Part (white crafting material) 50 Arcane Dust (blue crafting material) 50 Veiled Crystal (yellow crafting material) This recipe is often overlooked, especially on class specific gear, because there is a chance that the newly created item can be ancient. Get your yellow items from gambling with Kadala, then convert those yellow …

General Farming Guide in Diablo 4

Learn the best general farming tips for materials in DIablo 4! Plants, Ores, Gold, Legendaries, Unqiues and more! Updated for Season 3. Browse Games. NEWS. All News News. ARPG. Diablo IV ARPG. Diablo III ARPG. ... These crafting materials are the Mastery rewards for completing a Pit level. Since the number of materials required …

Masterworking Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 5)

As part of Diablo 4's endgame crafting systems, Masterworking increases all existing affixes on an item. ... The unique crafting materials needed for Masterworking can all be dropped inside The Pit of the Artificers or in the Spoils of Materials at the end of the Infernal Hordes event. ... We recommend farming The Pit for a decent amount of ...

Diablo 3 Crafting Guide

The Crafting system in Diablo 3 is not very sophisticated compared to most other games. Yet, there are still some noteworthy items that make a difference in many …

D3 RoS List of Where to Farm Legendary Crafting Materials

It also lists the current drop rate for the legendary crafting materials and a future drop rate after they get buffed a bit. So, to answer your question….what is the drop rate for legendary crafting materials from SuperUniques….here you go: Normal difficulty Current: 5% Future: 15%. Hard difficulty Current: 6% Future: 18%. Expert difficulty

Tips and trick for farming crafting materials

Here's some places/methods to acquire materials: Act 5 Battlefields of Eternity: Armor racks scattered throughout the area. Alternative map: Nephalem Rift …

diablo iii

This Diablo 3 Craftables Spreadsheet is particularly helpful when trying to figure out if you are in an area with a possible legendary crafting material drop.. Here is the same list in not so sortable form: Legendary Crafting Materials: Adventurer's Journal. Found in: Acts 1-4 - Various World Objects; Used For: Pender's Purchase; Angelic …

Diablo 4

This article is part of a directory: Diablo 4: Complete Guide Hub - Quest Walkthroughs, Best Classes, Materials, Tips, and More

Diablo 3 Strategy: Farming Death's Breaths and Souls

The current version of Diablo 3 offers numerous crafting recipes that do a great job at consuming all the materials… especially [wiki]Deaths Breaths[/wiki] and [wiki]Forgotten Souls[/wiki]. As a result, many players spend much of their non-Grift time farming these materials, along with [wiki]Greater Rift keys[/wiki], of course.

Guide to Farming Regular (Nephalem) Rifts Efficiently

Learn how to farm regular rifts efficiently in Diablo 3. The combination of monster density and them dropping gold upon death in Regular Rifts enables one of the most potent speedfarming combos in the game: the gold triumvirate of Boon of the Hoarder, Avarice Band and Goldwrap:. Boon of the Hoarder is a legendary gem obtainable from …

Where to find lots of crafting materials fast?

The question might seem silly but I never crafted so much (playing all 7 classes) and leveled up so fast (already paragon 925… it's not the best but considering I seldom reach 800 in a season, 900 in 5 days is fair)… Anyway I can farm ~1000 DP per hour, have lots of souls… but I am running out of blue, yellow and white!!! 😮 Where could I …

Diablo 3 Bounties

Bounties in Diablo 3 are special missions in Adventure Mode to kill a specific enemy, clear an area, or complete an event. ... Act 3 items are "desert-camo" type items with snake ornaments, named after seven deadly sins. ... It will only cost you about 2,000 Death's Breath s, some crafting mats, and 30 minutes of your time. GoD DH is …

Crafting & Artisans

Crafting & Artisans. Artisans set up shop in your camp. With luck and skill, you'll survive more than a few battles, and find yourself looking to replace your worn-down or outdated …

Crafting Materials

Crafting Materials are used in correspondense with blacksmithing to create. Focus Reset ... Diablo III. Blizzard May 15, 2012. Rate this game. Related Guides. Overview July Wiki ...

Farming Crafting Materials

The normal crafting materials consist of Reusable Parts, Arcane Dust, and Veiled Crystals. These are the most commonly found and used materials. 1. You will get a number of one of these parts every time you Salvage a piece of gear at the Blacksmith. 1.1. The material gained will match …

How to Access Whimsyshire and Craft Staff of Herding Guide

20th Anniversary Event Guide. Diablo 3 farming guides: Staff of Herding, Hellfire Amulet, Hellfire Ring, etc.

Forgotten Soul

Forgotten Soul is a Legendary crafting material in Diablo III, obtained by using the Blacksmith to salvage non-crafted legendary weapons and armor, or set items. A Rift Guardian may also give up one or two of these upon defeat for players in the level range of 61-70 (guaranteed to drop at least one on Torment VII or higher), and Odious Collectors …

Diablo 3 Kanai's Cube Mechanics

Kanai's Cube in Diablo 3 is used to modify and create new items using special crafting materials in the Adventure Mode. ... you can instantly farm Nephalem Rifts and find upgrades there. ... These 3 …

How to Access Whimsyshire and Craft Staff of …

Whimsyshire is a secret level in Diablo 3. It is also known as a pony level or the cow level.The Staff of Herding is required to enter the level and crafting this staff involves farming for a few different …

Kanai's Cube Guide

Kanai's Cube is one of the most important items in Diablo 3 — the heir to the legendary Horadric Cube that provides services that are just as important to your character growth as item farming and Paragon grinding. ... These recipes all allow you to convert 1 type of basic crafting material into another, in groups of 100.


When it comes to any type of crafting in Diablo 3 there is a tiny bit of luck involved. You can actually craft the same item twice and have a completely different item in the end. For instance ...

Crafting Materials

Crafting Materials Crafting. Crafting Materials. Artisans require an array of materials recovered from the wilderness to craft their wares. They can make use of everything …